Science,迷信 23 JUN 2023, VOL 380, ISSUE 6651
《迷信》2023年6月23日 ,第380卷 ,出书6651期
Hunting for Majoranas
▲ 作者 :Ali Yazdani, Felix von Oppen, Bertrand I. Halperin & Amir Yacoby
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▲ 摘要 :
在以前十年里 ,人们支出了至关大的文导自动,以在新型量子质料以及器件中审核非阿贝尔准粒子 。迷信这些自动的出书念头是为了证实逾越费米子以及玻色子的准粒子的量子统计,并为建树拓扑呵护量子比特建树根基迷信 。周论
在这篇综述中,文导钻研组聚焦于自动建树具备马约拉纳零模的迷信拓扑超导相 。他们思考了从现有试验使掷中罗致的出书履历履历,这些履历履历增长着对于现有平台的周论改善以及新措施的探究 。
尽管非阿贝尔准粒子的文导尝试探测仍颇具挑战性 ,但迄今为止人们所取患上的迷信知识以及未来机缘 ,将为量子物理学这一使人欢喜规模的出书发现以及后退提供重大后劲 。
▲ Abstract:
Over the past decade,周论 there have been considerable efforts to observe non-abelian quasiparticles in novel quantum materials and devices. These efforts are motivated by the goals of demonstrating quantum statistics of quasiparticles beyond those of fermions and bosons and of establishing the underlying science for the creation of topologically protected quantum bits. In this Review, we focus on efforts to create topological superconducting phases that host Majorana zero modes. We consider the lessons learned from existing experimental efforts, which are motivating both improvements to present platforms and the exploration of new approaches. Although the experimental detection of non-abelian quasiparticles remains challenging, the knowledge gained thus far and the opportunities ahead offer high potential for discovery and advances in this exciting area of quantum physics.
Mid-circuit correction of correlated phase errors using an array of spectator qubits
▲ 作者:K. Singh, C. E. Bradley, S. Anand, V. Ramesh, R. White & H. Bernien.
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▲ 摘要: